the precepts
Open Mind Zen
The Sixteen Lay Precepts
The Three Treasures
1. May I be one with the Buddha, The Awakened Unborn Mind.
2. May I be one with the Dharma, the teaching of how to awaken.
3. May I be one with the Sangha, those who practice together.
The Three Pure Precepts
1. May I practice not-knowing, thereby giving up fixed ideas about myself and the universe. This is ceasing from evil.
2. May I cultivate a life of compassion and wisdom. This is doing good.
3. May I heal myself and then heal others. This is true helping.
The Ten Grave Precepts
1. May I realize that I am not separate from all that is. This is the precept of Non-Killing.
2. May I be satisfied with what I have and not take what is not freely given. This is the precept of Non-Stealing.
3. May I enter all relationships with respect and dignity. This is the precept of Chaste Conduct.
4. May I listen and speak from the heart. This is the precept of Non-Lying.
5. May I cultivate a mind that sees clearly. This is the precept of Not Being Ignorant.
6. May I unconditionally accept what each person has to offer. This is the precept of Not Talking About Others’ Faults.
7. May I not be prideful and blame others for my faults. This is the precept of Not Elevating Oneself and Blaming Others.
8. May I not withhold spiritual or material aid. This is the precept of Not Being Stingy.
9. May I transform suffering into wisdom. This is the precept of Not Being Angry.
10. May I honor my life as an instrument of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. This is the precept of Not Thinking Ill of the Three Treasures.