OMZL online practice

Guidelines for Daily 7am EST Zoom Zazen

OMZL is pleased to host daily zoom zazen, open to all members and students of any OMZ affiliate group or teacher. 

The "start time" is 7 am EST. The sits are self-timed. You are welcome to come late, leave early, move as needed, and sit for less than an hour. Doing so is absolutely ordinary. Those of us still in the space at 8 am EST usually "bow out" with a gassho, a wave and a smile for each other... but you are welcome to continue sitting.

Keep your microphone off and your camera on. You don't need to sit facing the computer, or even near it.

Here is the link and password. (Please don’t post this on social media.)

password zazen

Some practitioners do some walking meditation or a leg change at the half-hour mark, and bow and wave goodbye at 8 am. This is not required.

If you realize you wish to sit with this sangha regularly, please review the avoiding adverse impacts page, and share your emergency contact info via this form

You will then be added to the daily zazen announcement list (infrequent organizational emails) and you will receive updated login and password info.

For any additional information, contact Angie Reed Garner at

Guidelines for Saturday Practice Via Zoom

As you can, arrive 6 minutes early to hear the rin gong & “Bell Verse” which calls everyone to find their seat and settle. Someone will help you do a sound check.

Please have your camera on while attending. Stay muted until the discussion begins, and then come off mute when you are ready. You do not need to mute yourself for chanting the vows at the end-- we've had success including zoomed-in voices in the chanting.

During the discussion, participate “normally.” When there is a natural opening in the flow of conversation, speak up. If you would like extra help getting into the conversation, use the raise hand function or simply wave. 

Our chants are here:

Stillness during dharma talks, discussion and sitting is not first priority. Move as you need to, to stay comfortable. It's strongly suggested that you address any discomfort promptly. (Practitioners who do not take care of their discomfort commonly develop an aversion to meditation.)

If you sit in a chair: as you are able, please sit forward in your seat, off the back of the chair. Use a wedge cushion (or fold and stack some towels) and place it underneath your sit bones so as to get your knees slightly lower than your hips. Sit with your knees apart to facilitate a soft belly and slight forward pelvic tilt. If you get tired or need constant chair support for whatever reason, please use it.

Some people do better practicing lying down on the floor; back pain in particular can make this a far better option than sitting. You are welcome to practice lying on the floor in person at OMZL, and via zoom. There is no need to explain or justify this choice—it's obviously better for you.

During the dharma talk and discussion, be invited to take notes (or knit or crochet or doodle!) if that suits your learning style. Beverages are fine.

Here is the link and password. (Please don’t post this on social media.)

password zazen